Where Christianity Began
Jesus left Nazareth for Bethany beyond the Jordan and asked John to Baptise him. John knew of Jesus from the revelation and inspiration of the Holy Spirit (John 1:32). John, however, objected to baptizing Jesus saying, "I am the one that needs you to baptize me!" But upon Jesus' continued insistence, John acquiesced and baptized Jesus in the Jordan River.
Following the Baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan the river became holy and all the waters that flow from the river and through Bethany beyond Jordan were purified and became holy too.
As Jesus emerged from the water the heavans opened and the Holy Spirit descending like a dove. He heard a voice from above say, "You are my beloved son with whom I am well-pleased." Then the Spirit took Jesus into the wilderness where he remained for forty days, and where Satan tempted him.
Jesus retuns to Bethany

After Jesus came back from the wilderness to Bethany beyond the Jordan, he found John sitting with two of his students. When John saw Jesus he said to his students, "This is the Lamb of God who will take away the sin of the world." (John 1:29) Hearing this, the two students decided to follow Jesus and were in turn followed by three others, among them Peter.
Jesus carried the torch of faith from John the Baptist, the torch that had also been carried by Moses, Elijah and the other prophets.
From Bethany beyond the Jordan Jesus declared the good news of God, saying, "The Hour draws near and the Kingdom of God is at hand! So, repent and have faith in the good news of God!"
After returning to Jerusalem, a dispute arose between Jesus and the Jews during the festival of the renovation of the Temple. When this happened Jesus fled back across the Jordan to Bethany where John was still baptizing. The people warmly received Jesus and many came to him
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